Feldenkrais Pop Up

FRI | SEPT 20 | 6 PM | Part of any class pass or $25 drop in
Ana Cuevas, Feldenkrais practitioner | Sign up here

Reducing Your Body Pattern of Stress & Anxiety

In this introductory lesson, we will explore how intention and attention counteract the body pattern of stress and anxiety. We will create the conditions in which you are able to remind your brain and your nervous system of what it feels like to feel better; our nervous system is attracted to feeling better.  I will help you to understand and to learn how to better organize yourself to move away from this body pattern of stress and anxiety.

From Ana: “I am a Yoga Instructor and a Certified Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Practitioner.  I have just moved to Seattle from Southern California to be near my daughter and my son-in-law and pretty soon near my grandson!   I will be a grandma sometime in October!  All my life I have always been interested in health and well-being, not just for myself but for my family and friends.  I had a career in K-12 education as a high school teacher and an elementary and high school principal, but I always wanted to do something with the healing arts.  I retired early, and I feel as if I had won the lottery because I am doing exactly what I always wanted to do.  I am taking care of myself, and I am able to help others in this wellness journey.”

Happy Hour this Friday 3:00-5:00 PM

September Challenge

Happy September!

Break out of your comfort zone this month and take a class with a teacher you've never tried before. Let us know who by email, and we'll add 1 class credit to your account. You may meet your new favorite teacher!

Fall Readings with Emmalynn Young

SATURDAYS IN OCTOBER, 6:30 & 8:00 PM | $35
payment goes directly to Emme via VENMO, Cash or Check)

Emme is a spiritual reader. You can expect to receive guidance and spiritual messages that are for your greatest and highest good on your spiritual journey. She uses chakra readings, oracle cards and mediumship to bring forward healing messages.

In the spirit of October and the transition into Fall, she is offering this limited time opportunity for you to receive a reading at our studio.

If you have questions or want to learn more before signing up, please contact her directly here.

A few spots still available! Fall is a great time to ease in to yoga with other newbies and with an experienced and friendly teacher, Caoilfhionn (QUEE-lin). Learn more here.

Fridays, 6:00-7:30 PM - Led by Ginger
SEPT 13 | OCT 11 | NOV 8, 15, & 22 | DEC 6 & 13 | JAN 10
$190 for FULL series (no refunds for missed classes) OR $30 drop in for each session. Each class is a standalone and doesn’t require previous attendance. The full series price is still cheaper per class, even if you missed the first session.

Have you ever wondered what the “8 Limbs of Yoga” was referring to? This series will cover the 8 “Limbs”, or aspects, of yoga philosophy and practice, at a high level, The learnings will be incorporated into a full yoga asana class, including movement, breath, and meditation, so you can learn the basics of yoga philosophy in an experiential way. The series will culminate in a combination yoga, yoga nidra, and sound bath event for the final, 8th, limb, in January, celebrating Samadhi, or bliss.

Meet our new instructor - Lauren Kite

We are excited to introduce our new instructor, Lauren, a longtime and much loved Seattle yoga teacher! With extensive training in gymnastics, dance, physical therapy, functional movement, and pilates in addition to 20 years practicing yogāsana, Lauren crafts compelling and accessible sequences that support students to continue participating in the movements that matter to them. Whether that includes sweeping up grandchildren into big hugs, continuing to garden season after season, or adapting to injuries and chronic illness, there is a practice that can meet this unique moment, and beyond.

She will be leading the following two classes, since Sami is moving away.

Consider a Customized Mini Yoga Retreat at our studio!

Latest news in Seattle Times about the powerful benefits of gentle yoga practices! Our offerings in that genre:

Check out our Friday night Pop Up classes!

Friday nights are for fun, new, and exciting events! Stay up to date on our latest pop-ups via our Pop-Up Classes page. Let’s make Friday nights fun, spontaneous, and interesting! First and last Fridays are reserved for Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath, respectively; other Fridays will periodically feature special topics and classes. Stay tuned to our webpage and social media to learn what’s coming up next!

For savings and convenience, you might enjoy monthly unlimited autopay. It only requires a 3 month commitment and then you can go month to month, cancelling anytime. Save $5 per month over regular monthly autopay—plus bypass having to remember to purchase a new pass each month. AND you can schedule your classes out as far as you like into the future. It’s only $139 per month for unlimited access to all regular online and virtual classes. Compare prices here.



Every 3rd Friday, 3:00-5:00 PM

Alternating between odd numbered months at Uptown Espresso and even numbered months at Serendipity Lounge. Just show up and look for us!