• Feldenkrais Pop Up

    SEPT 20 | $25 drop in or part of your class card | Led by Ana Cuevas, Feldenkrais practitioner

    Reducing Your Body Pattern of Stress & Anxiety

    In this introductory lesson, we will explore how intention and attention counteract the body pattern of stress and anxiety. We will create the conditions in which you are able to remind your brain and your nervous system of what it feels like to feel better; our nervous system is attracted to feeling better. I will help you to understand and learn how to better organize yourself to move away from this body pattern of stress and anxiety.

  • Autumn Equinox Yoga, Nidra, & Sound Bath

    SEPT 27 | $40 | Led by Yuko & Ginger

    Celebrate the beginning of Autumn by immersing yourself in the healing modalities of Yoga, Yoga Nidra (guided savasana meditation) combined with Sound Bath (the healing vibrations of crystal bowls and vocalizations).

  • Yoga Nidra

    First Fridays
    $25 drop in or part of your class card
    Led by Ginger

    Guided Savasana meditation. The first part of the practice is dedicated to gentle stretches and movements to get the prana flowing. The second part is Yoga Nidra, where you will be guided into a sensory journey to build greater body awareness, then into visualizations or affirmations. You will leave this session feeling refreshed and relaxed. Learn more here.

  • 8 Limbs Yoga Series

    Fridays, 6:00-7:30 PM
    SEPT 13 | OCT 11 | NOV 8, 15, & 22 | DEC 6 & 13 | JAN 10
    $190 for FULL series (no refunds for missed classes) OR $30 drop in for each session (each class can be a standalone--not necessary to have attended previous classes). The full series package is still cheaper even if you missed the first session.

    Have you ever wondered what the “8 Limbs of Yoga” was referring to? This series will cover the 8 “Limbs”, or aspects, of yoga philosophy and practice, at a high level, The learnings will be incorporated into a full yoga asana class, including movement, breath, and meditation, so you can learn the basics of yoga philosophy in an experiential way. The series will culminate in a combination yoga, yoga nidra, and sound bath event for the final, 8th, limb, in January, celebrating Samadhi, or bliss.

  • Sound Bath

    Usually Last Fridays but August 23 this month!
    $25 drop in or part of your class card
    Led by Ginger

    Come join in for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience like no other. You can use your regular class card or a drop in class ($25). We’ll start out with some gentle flowing and stretching and then you’ll be invited to find a comfortable savasana position in order to absorb the healing sounds of bowls, bells, vocalizations, and other healing vibrations. Plan to leave feeling centered, calm, and rejuvenated. Learn more here.